ya wanna win some prizes...? |
Note on prizes
are hoping to get some significant prizes to award
people who win these competitions. Don't expect World
trip tickets on the QEII, but do expect something a
bit more than a shake of the hand and a limp piece of
paper... Stay tuned...

will be broken down into at least two categories. If
there are enough entries, sub-categories will be used.
This year, to aid judging, the theme is "2001
uses for a Barbie Doll". The only criteria is
that Barbie (or a similar type of doll) must be
involved somehow.
● |
Make a model. Sculpt something. Combine materials into a
three-dimensional form. |
● |
Paint something. Photograph something. Fiddle in your
computer with something. Have fun and make it good. |
● |
Short Story.
This is a story of 1000 words or less. |
● |
Novelette. This
is a story of 5000 words or less. |
● |
This determines, basically, how well the costume was put
together. This category gives people who like making
costumes the opportunity be judged fairly on their skills.
You must have made most of the costume yourself. You will
need to say what significant amounts were made by someone
else. |
● |
If you sing, do an act or generally prance around the stage,
that is what this category is for. Please give appropriate
credit to anyone else who helps you with the act. |
● |
Best Fanzine |
● |
Best Fan Writer |
● |
Best Fan Artist |
● |
Services to
Fandom |

You may nominate
anyone you choose. If appropriate, include a description of
what the nominee has done to deserve this award.
We will then ask the nominee if they accept the
To make voting more acurate, we would like to place
examples of nominees work here on this website. We
will ask the nominee for material to place here to be

In order to vote,
you must be a member of the National science fiction
convention. In 2001, that will be OdysseyCon.

You are a member if
you have paid a supporting fee, or are a paid up member in
some capacity before voting is finished.

Nominations for
people will close on or around March 2nd, 2001. Then the
nominations will be compiled, and forms sent out to all

We are going to try something new this year, and
attempt to have all voting take place BEFORE the
convention. This may not work, so our fall back
position will be to have voting at the convention.

Supporting members will need to send
back the forms before the convention starts.

Future Awards and a
National SF and F body
the Fan Awards are set up by each National Convention on an ad
hoc basis. There is a suggestion that there be a permanent New
Zealand set of awards created, that is administered by a
particular body. Or guidelines could be set out and then used
by each National Convention to decide the awards.

This will allow
continuity in the awards, and help them to have greater
significance in the future.

Norman Cates is accepting submissions and suggestions
about these awards, and the forming of a new National
Science Fiction and Fantasy organisation. He has a
document that outlines some of the issues and asks for

If you wish to make comments about this issue, you may
write to Norman Cates, care of this convention, or you
can write via email to:
Norman will
be collecting suggestions and comments and there will
be a session or two at OdysseyCon for those interested
in these issues.