that was OdysseyCon!
Well, the dust has settled, the guests and attendees have
gone home, and the concom have stopped twitching!
After we have all had a rest, and tidied up the loose ends we'll
be sending out the post-con reports with all the final details.
Stay tuned!
We hope to be able to announce some of the auction items
soon. There are some rare pieces, including a few legitimate items
from The Lord of the Rings. Stay tuned!
We can show you a very special item for sale.
Mech for your backyard (sort of)
A while back for various reasons, Eddie Longley built a
large mech. It stands about 2.5 meters high and looks like the
real thing!

licence plate
Also for sale is an XMEN personalised license plate for
your vehicle.
Nominations for the New Zealand Fan Awards:
The nominees have been anounced! Go to the Fan
Awards page to see who they are. You can also download some
examples of their work.

Updated (1/4/2001)
The OdysseyCon
website has been updated with the 'final' events schedule.

Updated (3/2/2001)
The OdysseyCon
website has been updated with more information about new guests.
We also now have a preliminary schedule for the convention on the
website. Please have a look in the events section, and let us know
if you can see any potential problems.

Also, you can now register online.. Check it out in the Registrations

Updated (20/10/2000)
The OdysseyCon
website has been updated with more information about our guests,
and final pricing for the hotel and the banquet.

OdysseyCon is now
a Flying Pig Affiliate
Pig gives us the opportunity to earn commisions on products
that you buy by clicking from this website to the Flying Pig
website. Flying Pig is a commerce site selling all manner of
items: Book, DVDs, Videos, Software and much more. AND they
tend to be cheaper than elsewhere. AND they deliver! Check
it out! And yes Virginia, they have an extensive selection of
books by Mercedes Lackey...

For people who are interested in science fiction...
The New Zealand Fan Database was used and expanded for ConQuest 2. ConQuest 2 may
be over, but the fan database is very much alive. If you are interested in being on this
database, please contact us at enquiries@sffanz.sf.org.nz.
This database is only used for science fiction and fantasy conventions and there are
strict rules when using the data, in order to respect your privacy. We have a full
statement of such policies if you are interested in being in this database.
