respect your privacy, and your desire to avoid unwanted spam.

Your details will be put in the SF Fans database. This database is
administered by fans, for fans. Contact details are passed on to
future conventions. You might also be contacted in relation to
science fiction or fantasy events. It's anticipated that your will
only receive 5 or 6 mailings a year as a result of being in this

This database will be kept by the trustee/s. At the moment this is
just Norman Cates. However, as it grows it may be necessary to
allow helpers access for purposes of entering data.

The data in this database will under no circumstances be released
to any commercial organisation. All New Zealand conventions will
have access to only the names and addresses in the database for
the express purpose of informing fans of upcoming conventions or
events. The convention will be required to sign a document stating
that this is all it will be used for, and that the information
will not be passed to any other organisation.

Statistical information will be generated as required and
requested. No individual will be singled out.

Any person in this database will be notified that they are in the
database, and if they wish to be removed, they will be,

If you have any questions about what your information is used for,
please contact Norman